Curso de Inglés A2 (8-11)

Estado actual
No Inscrito
Primeros pasos

Horario: Martes y Jueves 7:00pm a 8:00pm |

Tutor: Valerhim Perez Uribe |

Duración: 6 Ciclos |

Contenido del Curso

Ciclo 1: My daily routine and habits
  • Introduction of the simple present and continuous tenses. Description of a typical daily routine.
  • Adverbs of frequency. Creation of a personalized schedule.
  • Modal verbs (can, could, should). Discussion of healthy and unhealthy habits.
  • Role-play: A typical morning.
Ciclo 2: My home and surroundings
  • There is/are. Description of a room.
  • Prepositions of place. Creation of a house floor plan.
  • Possessive adjectives. Description of personal belongings.
  • A tourist brochure: promoting a city or neighborhood.
Ciclo 3: My friends and family
  • Simple past tense. Childhood memories.
  • Comparative and superlative adjectives. Comparison of family members.
  • Personal and possessive pronouns. Description of relationships.
  • Presentation about fun family facts: describing family members and their funniest characteristics.
Ciclo 4: My trips and vacations
  • Simple future (will, going to). Planning a trip.
  • Present perfect tense. Travel experiences.
  • Irregular verbs. Creating a postcard.
  • Debate: defending the best place to travel in the world.
Ciclo 5: My work and studies
  • Future continuous tense. Describing future plans.
  • Conditionals (if). Imagining different scenarios.
  • Modals of obligation (must, have to). Rules at work or school.
  • Role-play: A job interview.
Ciclo 6: My interests and free time
  • Past continuous tense. Describing past activities.
  • Modals of possibility (can, could, may). Expressing preferences.
  • Expressions of likes and dislikes. Movie or book reviews.
  • Talent show: presenting artistic, musical, or athletic abilities.