Curso de inglés A2 (12-16)
Horario: Miércoles y Viernes 7:00pm a 8:00pm |
Tutor: Valerhim Perez Uribe | |
Duración: 6 Ciclos | 8 horas/ciclo
Contenido del Curso
Ciclo 1: My World and Me
- Grammar: Present perfect continuous, used to, first conditional
- Vocabulary: Routine, changes, emotions, community
- Topics: Daily routines, personal experiences, future plans, aspirations
Ciclo 2: Travels and Adventures
- Grammar: Second conditional, past perfect, reported speech
- Vocabulary: Travel, tourism, cultures, accommodation
- Topics: Dream vacations, cultural experiences, travel anecdotes
Ciclo 3: Technology and the Future
- Grammar: Third conditional, future continuous, modal verbs
- Vocabulary: Technology, social media, artificial intelligence, future
- Topics: Impact of technology, future trends, ethical considerations
Ciclo 4: Interpersonal Relationships
- Grammar: Modal verbs, reported speech, passive voice
- Vocabulary: Relationships, emotions, feelings, communication
- Topics: Friendship, love, family, workplace relationships, conflict resolution
Ciclo 5: Education and Work
- Grammar: Future perfect, mixed conditionals, infinitive constructions
- Vocabulary: Education, work, careers, skills
- Topics: Career goals, educational paths, job market trends
Ciclo 6: Environment and Sustainability
- Grammar: Passive voice, conditionals, modal verbs
- Vocabulary: Environment, sustainability, climate change, natural resources
- Topics: Climate change, environmental issues, sustainable living